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1. What does 2 Red Light Error mean?

2. What caused it?

3. How to Adsl Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line it?

Apart from the famous 3 Red Light error small business broadband Tmnet Speedometer plagued many Xbox 360 console, there are other errors as well such as the 2 Red Light Error. It is indicated by 2 left lights(vertically) turning red and blinking repeatedly.

What does 2 Red Light Error mean?

The 2 Red Light Error is caused by Overheating. Period!

In Microsoft documentation, they actually mention what this specific error means.

Most Offer High Speed the red light errors can actually be traced back to overheating problems, but when you see a 2 Red Light Error, you can be certain that it's definitely overheating.

What caused it?

As mentioned before, the design of the Xbox 360 is such that it is capable of producing excessive heat, if let to run for more than irish broadband hour.

Reason 1: If you have a look at the internals of an Xbox 360, especially broadband isp the heatsink area where the GPU and CPU lies, you would notice that there just not enough thermal compund apartment in kuala lumpur Thermal compound are a grease like substance that fill up gaps between the chip and the heatsink, and because of it's Wifi Plan as good heat conductor, it is able to transfer heat from the chip to the heatsink. When there is not much thermal Telekom Malaysia Phone Directory excessive heat builds up on the GPU/CPU and that spreads to the motherboard as well. Sometimes, if you let the console go on, you will start experiencing "graphics freeze" and "locking" problems.

Example of a good thermal compound : Artic Silver 5

Reason 2: To top it up, you will also notice that the heatsinks are of insufficient size. This means that the heat generated from the GPU and CPU will not be dissipated effectively.

Reason 3: Placing your console in areas which do not have proper ventilation will block the flow of the heat out of the console. When this happens, excessive heat builds up inside the console that will cause the 2 Red Light Error.

How to fix it ?
You can fix this 2 Red Light Error with a combination of repair and preventive actions.


You can do this using 2 ways

  1. If your Xbox 360 warranty is still valid, give a call to Microsoft and use it. Removing the case of your Xbox 360 voids the warranty.They kuala lumpur hostels charge you for shipping cost and 6 weeks of repair time.
  2. Purchase the Xbox 360 Repair Guide and follow the step by step instruction to remove the heatsink and apply thermal paste. You will also streamyx youtube on how to mount your heatsink in a proper method that greatly increases the heat dissipation from the GPU/CPU to the heatsink. Proceed to Repair Guide to learn more about what it can offer you.


After Repair, you would need to apply this preventive methods to avoid the 2 Red Light Error.

?None of the ventilation panels are blocked
?Your Xbox 360 is resting on a hard surface, not a soft cloth, bed, sofa surface
?Your Xbox 360 should not be placed near any source of heat
?Your Xbox 360 should be placed in an open location, not confined to a small space

If you want more information on Xbox 360 Problems and how to fix them, Click here

Good Luck Fixing!

Xbox 360 Problem Fix is the Ultimate 1 Stop Centre to fix all your Xbox 360 problems

Team Xbox 360 Problem Fix

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